New and improved website!

We are happy to announce the redesign and relaunch of our website! In response to ever changing technology, our 2016 user survey, and consultations with stakeholders we’ve made tweaks, changes and some major improvements. The new website is:

  • Faster – we’re focused on speed and page load times to improve your experience
  • Smaller – we reduced the number of pages by combining and deleting info and changing the structure to include expandable sections within pages
  • Simplified – we’ve ditched the large drop down menus in favour of easy to navigate sidebar menus
  • More intuitive – programs have their own home pages and associated colour – so related search results, news posts and calendar items are all colour coded to match the associated program
  • Improved  – better search results and improved accessibility
  • Responsive – designed to respond to small screens and tablets

We hope you enjoy the new design. Please email us with any questions or concerns!