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Facts & Statistics

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Immigration to Nova Scotia

Who are Recent Immigrants & What are their Economic Activities - An Analysis of Socio-­Demographic Profiles and Economic Activities Across Immigration Categories - Pathways to Prosperity 2015

Immigration Trends - 2008-2012 - Nova Scotia Office of Immigration

Key Immigration Terms - Nova Scotia Office of Immigration

Provincial Nominees to Nova Scotia 2008-2012 - Nova Scotia Office of Immigration

Fact Sheet: How Immigrants Are Doing In Nova Scotia by Dr. Ather Akbari

Nova Scotia: A Great Place For Immigrants

Temporary Migration

Temporary Residents to Nova Scotia - Nova Scotia Office of Immigration

ISANS Backgrounder - Foreign Workers in Nova Scotia May 2011 - This document was presented to the Law Amendments Committee of the NS Legislature on May 10, 2011 in support of the proposed legislation to protect temporary foreign workers.