New Name, Same Great Services

Moving forward, our organization will now be known as Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia, or ISANS.

Though our name has changed, the essence of our organization remains the same: We are dedicated to welcoming and supporting immigrants to Nova Scotia.

We believe that helping immigrants build their future here creates a stronger province. We all benefit from the knowledge and perspective that immigrants bring.

It’s up to each of us to make our communities welcoming for everyone.

So we’re asking you to make a pledge to help ISANS build a stronger province, using the hashtag #BuildingNSTogether. You can do this in a few ways:

  • Save the image below and share it on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram
  • Share this email with your networks and encourage them to forward the message


If you’re looking for ideas, here are a few examples of things you can do to help:

  1. Host a welcoming event
  2. Volunteer with ISANS
  3. Attend a workshop on Cross-Cultural Awareness
  4. Invite an immigrant family to supper
  5. Encourage more inclusive hiring practices at your workplace
  6. Support a local small business run by an immigrant


Thank you for your support!