Small Business Tips for Immigrant Entrepreneurs

In celebration of Small Business Week here’s a list of great tips for immigrant entrepreneurs starting or growing a business!

  1. Register with ISANS and learn about our programs and services. ISANS provides services and support to immigrants at all stages of business start-up and development. Visit:
  2. Expect people to be helpful. You will find that most people are helpful!
  3. Research businesses that are similar to your business interest. Call business owners outside your local area and ask them what they love about their business and the challenges they have faced.
  4. Network and build relationships inside and outside of your business interests. Attend trade shows, chamber of commerce events, industry incubator talks, business sessions at universities or anywhere else you can connect with other business people.
  5. Research immigrant business and start-up support organizations. Attend meetings and ask questions.
  6. Work or volunteer in the industry in which you plan to own a business. This will give you valuable insights into running your future business.
  7. Research industry associations for your business type or sector. Contact association directors and request meetings to learn more about the industry.
  8. Find a mentor. As you network, ask people if they know anyone who might help you meet a mentor.
  9. Improve your communication skills on an on-going basis. ISANS has workshops to help you improve your communication for work & business.
  10. Market your business for free on the new ISANS Business Marketplace app! Visit: